Real Estate and Urban Renewal

The Real Estate Department and the Urban Renewal Department, led by the firm’s founder, Attorney Ziv Simon, accompanies real estate transactions, projects in the field of urban renewal (including TAMA 38 and evacuation and construction transactions) in Israel. The department’s staff consists of attorney’s with extensive experience in a wide range of transactions: including urban renewal issues (evacuation and construction and TAMA 38), combination transactions, land use change, accompanying of developers and projects in all aspects related to construction, Israel Land Authority, etc.

זיו סימון

Attorney Ziv Simon

Real Estate and Urban Renewal, Notary

אייל יחיאל

Attorney Eyal Yechiel

Real estate and urban renewal

איתי לנקרי

Attorney Itai Lankri

Real estate and urban renewal

Attorney and CPA Ori Simon

Real Estate and Urban Renewal, Notary

Attorney Coral Zikri

Real-Estate and Urban Renewal

מן התקשורת

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